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News from SFAR: SFAR's Santa Fe Specialist designation

Sep 26, 2023

Jun. 4—The Santa Fe Association of REALTORS® (SFAR) continues to support and expand its unique Santa Fe Specialist designation to its Realtor® members and the community.

Launched in 2019, the Santa Fe Specialist designation program, accredited by the Santa Fe Association of REALTORS®, is designed to enhance the strategic value of Realtors® in the real estate transaction. In Santa Fe, land use laws are complex, and many of these local regulations can impact property rights. Santa Fe has a long, multi-faceted history with land use concerns that range from water and mineral rights, and titling property and land grants, to issues surrounding federal and sovereign (Pueblo) land. Area Realtors®, licensees and members of the public are encouraged to earn this new designation by taking over 30 hours of continuing education courses approved by the New Mexico Real Estate Commission and successfully completing an open-book exam.

The Santa Fe Specialist program offers small class sizes, Santa Fe-centric course material, access to local instructors and experts, association promotion and advertising, an annual curriculum update, along with a lapel pin, a certificate and the use of branded program materials. The Santa Fe Association of REALTORS® believes the Santa Fe Specialist designation positions Realtors® as leaders in real estate by educating its Realtor® members and licensees about the diversity, uniqueness and public policies of the City of Santa Fe and the county government. The designation offers educational courses that align and support a close working relationship with area government staff. By strengthening Realtors'® relationships with local government staff and leaders, the program helps demonstrate how Realtors® with a Santa Fe Specialist designation can enhance the community. The course offerings and over 400-page curriculum feature the following topics:

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News from SFAR: SFAR's Santa Fe Specialist designation